Experience Swiss innovations in film technology up close! Come to the Filmtech exhibition at Neubad Lucerne and dive into the fascinating world of audiovisual technologies. You will see the latest trends, from AI applications in film production and automated robot cameras to interactive cinema systems.
Emerging start-ups, innovative researchers and creative pioneers will provide insights into their latest projects at stands and in presentations, and talk about new trends in panel discussions. Furthermore, Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF) will present three current virtual reality projects from Switzerland ‒ an opportunity to dive into breathtaking cinematographic worlds.
Eintritt frei / no registration required
Day 1 ‒ Friday, 6 December 2024
→ see programme day 2 ‒ Saturday, 7 December 2024
9:30 – Doors open
10:00 – Welcome: Patrick Karpiczenko (host)
Keynote: Swiss technology writes film history
The Nagra I device by Stefan Kudelski from Lausanne revolutionised film sets worldwide in the 1950s by enabling portable and high-quality sound recordings for the first time. Stefan Kudelski was awarded many distinctions for this invention which still shapes the industry today, including two Oscars. Insights into an eventful past.
- Marguerite Kudelski, NAGRA Kudelski
10:30 – Innovative Swiss film schools
Swiss film schools play a key role in researching and developing new technologies. The cineDESK project by Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) is a system that facilitates scene previsualisation. This allows directors, camera operators and production designers to research how to implement space, light, props and acting in film sequences. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr Orlando Budelacci, Vice Dean of the Lucerne School of Arts and Design – Design Film Art (HSLU), examines how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts film production.

11:00 – Application of new technologies in Switzerland (part 1/2)
David and Peter Luisi had AI write a full-length feature film script for them – and share their experiences with the audience. Simon Jaquemet talks about his latest feature film, which thematises and uses AI as well as other AI experiments he is currently working on.
- Peter und David Luisi, «The Last Screenwriter», Spotlight Media
- Simon Jaquemet, electric.film
12:00 – Lunch, networking and visit to the exhibitions
Discover the exhibition:
- Superposition: camera robot on rails
- cineDESK: Scene previsualisation – Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
- Animation robot – Lucerne School of Arts and Design – Design Film Art (HSLU)
- Installation: real-time AI stills – Simon Jaquemet
- Installation: animated AI films – Grit Wolany
- Installation: Feeling Machines – Manuel Hendry
Dive into Swiss VR productions presented by Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF):
- Impressions de la Suisse (Ernst A. Heiniger, 1984, newly restored in virtual reality)
- Hors-Cadre: Marionettes, Paul Klee (Martin Charrière, 2021)
- Rave (Patrick Muroni, 2024)

13:30 – Application of new technologies in Switzerland (part 2/2)
Andrea Anner and Thibault Brevet have already received broad international recognition in the film and advertising industry through their know-how in the fields of robotics, automation and software programming. Blindflug Studios specialises in highly realistic pictures in modern games, which are increasingly being used in Swiss film productions. Manuel Hendry also talks about his “Feeling Machine”, a scientific-artistic journey into the spooky domain of digital spirits.
- Andrea Anner und Thibault Brevet, automated robot cameras, Superposition
- Frederic Hein und Natascha Beller, game engine for film production, Blindflug Studios
- Manuel Hendry, “Feeling machines – AI as an audiosensory experience”, hendry.me
14:30 – Podium discussion: How do new audiovisual technologies impact
the creative sector?
Technological progress is rapidly changing the way in which we produce, share and experience films. From virtual reality to AI-generated content, these tools keep opening up new opportunities. Podium guests discuss how these innovations impact artists, the public and the sector as a whole by questioning traditional methods while opening up new creative avenues.
- Andrea Anner, Natascha Beller, Manuel Hendry, Simon Jaquemet, Peter Luisi
15:30 – Networking and visit to the exhibitions
Discover the exhibition:
- Superposition: camera robot on rails
- cineDESK: Scene previsualisation – Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
- Animation robot – Lucerne School of Arts and Design – Design Film Art (HSLU)
- Installation: real-time AI stills – Simon Jaquemet
- Installation: animated AI films – Grit Wolany
- Installation: Feeling Machines – Manuel Hendry
Dive into Swiss VR productions presented by Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF):
- Impressions de la Suisse (Ernst A. Heiniger, 1984, newly restored in virtual reality)
- Hors-Cadre: Marionettes, Paul Klee (Martin Charrière, 2021)
- Rave (Patrick Muroni, 2024)

→ see programme day 2 ‒ Saturday, 7 December 2024